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Instruções e precauções para o uso de baterias de cloreto de tionila de lítio

Tempo: 2024-08-09Visitas: 0

As baterias de lítio com um número de modelo começando com ER são baterias de cloreto de tionila de lítio (Li/SOCl2), que são classificadas como baterias primárias de lítio de acordo com os padrões internacionais de bateria. As baterias primárias de lítio são um novo tipo de bateria de alta energia e ecologicamente correta com metal de lítio como eletrodo negativo. São baterias não recarregáveis.

1. As baterias primárias de lítio não são recarregáveis
Directly charging lithium primary batteries will cause the battery to explode. The probability of battery explosion is directly related to the charging time and current. 220V charging will explode instantly. 12V DC charging, the battery will explode within a few minutes. 5V DC charging without external protection components can reach a charging current of about 50mA, and the battery will explode after a few hours.
In the case of 5V voltage floating charge in the circuit, it is recommended that customers add diodes and other protection measures in the circuit to control the charging current below 10µA.
It is safe to control the charging current of lithium primary batteries below 10µA.

2. Evite a descarga forçada
When several batteries are used in series, if other models or used batteries are used in the series battery, some batteries will experience forced discharge (OverDischarge). Due to the unevenness of battery capacity, some batteries will charge in the later stage of discharge, which may cause battery accidents.
To prevent the occurrence of charging, customers are advised not to assemble batteries for use.
If you want to use a single battery in combination, please contact the technicians, who will provide you with assembly solutions and assembly design services.

3. Alta temperatura
When the ambient temperature of the lithium primary battery exceeds 100°C, the battery will explode, so you should pay attention to controlling the welding time and temperature during welding.

4. Histerese e pontos de atenção
As baterias de cloreto de tionila de lítiopossuem uma característica, ou seja, histerese de tensão, que muitas vezes faz com que os clientes usem a bateria para fornecer alta corrente, e a tensão de carga é inferior à tensão limite mínima do cliente, fazendo com que o equipamento funcione mal. Tendo em vista o fato de que muitos clientes subestimam isso, é necessário explicarmos detalhadamente o desempenho de histerese da bateria.

Class A: Under low current conditions, although the battery is passivated, the load will not change significantly when in use. Taking ER14250 as an example, when the current is below 1mA, the battery will not have obvious hysteresis (voltage reduction).
Category B: Under medium current conditions, if the battery is passivated, but the battery load can still be maintained above the cut-off voltage.
Taking the ER14250 battery as an example, when the current is below 4mA, the voltage of the passivated battery will drop, but generally will not drop below 2.8V.
Category C: Under high current conditions, if the battery is passivated, the battery load can easily drop below the cut-off voltage, causing the device to fail to work properly. Taking the ER14250 battery as an example, when the current reaches more than 10mA. If passivated, the load will drop below the cut-off voltage (Cut-offVoltage).

Portanto, os clientes precisam entender completamente o fenômeno da histerese e tomar as medidas correspondentes para reduzir o impacto da histerese. As seguintes sugestões são feitas durante o uso real:
1. Consider the load size, use environment and other factors in the design stage, and select a battery model for use under medium or low current conditions.
2. The finished battery inventory time should not exceed half a year. It is recommended to activate the battery after more than half a year.
3. If the battery is installed on the device and has micro-ampere power consumption, the battery passivation phenomenon is slowed down. However, if the design current is greater than the maximum battery operating current, it is recommended to consider adding capacitors during the design phase to reduce the battery voltage drop.

V. Precauções durante o uso

1. O curto-circuito é estritamente proibido e o carregamento de alta corrente é estritamente proibido.

2. Os usuários estão estritamente proibidos de combinar baterias sozinhos.

3. A descarga excessiva, compressão e incineração de baterias são estritamente proibidas.

4. O uso prolongado ou aquecimento fora da faixa de temperatura permitida é estritamente proibido (as baterias apresentam riscos à segurança quando excedem 100°C).

5. Verifique rigorosamente a embalagem externa antes de usar. Se a embalagem estiver danificada, descubra a causa e não a use facilmente. Quando as baterias embaladas estiverem espalhadas, separe-as a tempo, sele-as e notifique o fornecedor.

6. É estritamente proibido misturar e usar baterias de diferentes séries e diferentes especificações em série.

7. A soldagem não pode ser realizada na parte superior dos pólos positivo e negativo da bateria à vontade, e a soldagem na folha de saída deve ser concluída em 5 segundos.

8. Durante a operação, a bateria não pode ser espalhada ou deixada cair para evitar curto-circuito da bateria.

9. Depois que a bateria é descarregada até a tensão de terminação, é estritamente proibido continuar usando-a e a bateria não pode ser embebida em água.
10. Used batteries should be marked and scrapped in time, and should not be stored randomly.
11. When stripping and welding wires, do not strip the positive and negative wires at the same time, and do not connect the positive and negative wires with metal objects to avoid battery short circuit.
12. When packaging and storing surplus batteries from the production line, the batteries should be packed in the original packaging, neatly arranged, and not short-circuited with each other.
13. Surplus batteries from the production line should be stored in the original packaging. It is recommended that the battery be stored in an environment with a temperature of <25 degrees and a humidity of <70% to avoid long-term storage in harsh environments, which may cause rust and corrosion of the battery and cause leakage.
14. Requirements for battery installation and use: The positive pole of the battery cell should be placed horizontally and upward. When the positive pole is downward, part of the capacity will be unusable, and the actual utilization rate is only about 80% of the normal value.
15. Keep the battery away from children to avoid injury.
16. Scrapped batteries cannot be destroyed by themselves, and should be handled in accordance with the regulations of the local environmental protection department.
The above are the precautions for the use and operation of lithium primary batteries, which are hereby explained.




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