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Gesund Medizin

Das Dilemma

Das Lasertherapiegerät vom Handgelenk, die neueste Innovation der Firma ARICOM, nutzt die externe Strahlentherapie mit Lasergefäßen. Es ist für die lokale Bestrahlung der Nasenhöhle und der Körperoberfläche konzipiert und bietet unterstützende therapeutische Wirkungen wie die Verringerung von Entzündungen, die Linderung von Schmerzen, die Verringerung der Blutviskosität und die Senkung der Blutfettwerte.
In the early stages, ARICOM encountered persistent issues with their battery suppliers. Problems such as batteries failing to charge and having short discharge times plagued the device, and these issues remained unsolved for an extended period. Eventually, ARICOM turned to Cowon Battery for a solution. With the active and close collaboration of Cowon's battery engineers, these battery-related problems were effectively resolved, significantly enhancing the device's performance and reliability.



Nach Erhalt des defekten Lasertherapiegeräts von ARICOM führte Cowon eine detaillierte Analyse durch, um die Ursachen der Probleme zu ermitteln. Sie identifizierten die Gründe für die mangelnde Ladefähigkeit und die kurze Entladezeit der Batterie und entwickelten dann eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Lösung.
1.Charging Issue: The primary reason the battery couldn't charge was due to over-discharge, which caused the battery to deplete completely and trigger low-voltage protection. This mechanism prevents the battery from charging further to avoid excessive damage.
Solution: Cowon's battery engineers conducted a series of comprehensive tests and determined that the original IC's over-discharge protection voltage was too low. They replaced it with an IC featuring a higher over-discharge protection voltage. Additionally, they calibrated the battery management system (BMS) to better handle low-voltage conditions, ensuring the battery could recover from over-discharge situations. This adjustment successfully resolved the charging issue, allowing the battery to charge efficiently even after deep discharge.
2.Short Discharge Time: The short discharge time was due to sev




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